Parental Involvement

Whatsapp Group

Our Bilal School community stays connected through a dedicated WhatsApp group for each class, providing a platform for parents to receive updates, announcements, and engage in discussions. This virtual space fosters unity and efficient communication, ensuring a collaborative effort between the school and parents for the best educational experience.

Open House

Bilal School values open communication and hosts regular open house sessions. These sessions offer structured discussions on academic progress, concerns, and collaborative goal-setting for students. It's a platform to build a strong, supportive relationship between the school and parents, working together for the holistic development of each child.

Pre-School Playtime 

Recognizing the importance of early childhood development, Bilal School organizes Pre-School Playtime sessions. These interactive activities allow parents to actively participate in their child's initial learning experiences, promoting socialization, cognitive development, and motor skills.

Parents Teachers Association

The Parents Teachers Association (PTA) at Bilal School plays a pivotal role in enhancing the educational journey. Through regular meetings and joint initiatives, the PTA wants to serves as a bridge, ensuring the perspectives of both parents and teachers contribute to the school's development.